BISS CAS plugin for Infomir MAG set-top-boxes

Copyright (C) 2013-2018, Andrei Dyldin


Download so-file

Put CAS plugin into /home/default folder of MAG rootfs.


Key loaded by the CAS plugin from the text file, by default trying to read /tmp/key.

Path to the file can be changed with JavaScript method stb.SetAdditionalCasParam(paramName, paramValue).

For example:

stb.SetAdditionalCasParam("key_file", "/custom/path/to/file.key")

You can change key in the key-file before calling stb.Play(playStr) in the middleware with JavaScript method stb.ExecAction(action).

For example:

stb.ExecAction("set_key 1122336633221166")

To do that you need to append "set_key" section in the /home/default/

Source Code
